Organized into logical sections for quick consult, the guide comes complete with a detailed index so you can easily look up any function. For those who may be unfamiliar with Horos, it is a free, open source, fully functional medical image viewer that is available for download on our website The guide, which includes almost 300 pages of instructions and screen diagrams, provides detailed instructions for each of the Horos commands, pull down menus and functions. James Ryan, Biology Department, Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Geneva, NY, we’ve compiled a complete guide to the Horos software. Naomi Booth BSc BVSc MMedSci (Clin Ed) Dist FHEA MRCVS and Dr. Together with two experienced and active members of our community, Dr. With a growing demand for a user guide, we have complied. We now have more than 180,000 users at all levels of expertise. But since that time, Horos usage has grown enormously.

As such, we expected they had existing knowledge of the operation of OsiriX and therefore Horos would be a seamless transition. When we set out to create Horos, we assumed most of our users would be migrating over from OsiriX. With a growing community of Horos users, many of whom are not OsiriX refugees, we have received an increasing amount of requests for a reference like this. We are excited to announce that our latest project - the Horos User Guide - is finally ready! This weekend, we will be publishing the long-awaited comprehensive manual for Horos.